July 3, 2024


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Gunman killed as eviction notice leads to hours-long standoff in Pittsburgh


Gunman killed as eviction notice leads to hours-long standoff in Pittsburgh. NBC
Gunman killed as eviction notice leads to hours-long standoff in Pittsburgh. NBC

A prolonged standoff in Pittsburgh’s Garfield neighborhood culminated in the killing of the gunman after law enforcement officials engaged in a six-plus hour confrontation. 

The incident began when deputies attempted to serve an eviction notice at a residence on the 4800 block of Broad Street and North Mathilda Street. The situation quickly escalated as the occupant turned violent and unleashed a barrage of gunfire.

Law enforcement swiftly evacuated nearby residents and issued warnings to stay clear of the area as the tense situation unfolded. Authorities reported that “hundreds of rounds” were fired during the standoff, resulting in a minor non-gunfire injury to a sergeant from the Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office who managed to avoid the incoming gunfire.

The incident shed light on the risks faced by deputies who were tasked with removing an individual from a property that had been purchased through a sheriff’s sale. The property’s occupant, who was effectively squatting, resisted the eviction notice and resorted to gunfire.

Public safety officials declared the gunman dead at 5:08pm local time, marking the conclusion of the protracted standoff. Throughout the ordeal, law enforcement prioritized the safety of nearby residents, urging them to evacuate and stay safe.

The Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson, Mike Manko, noted that only one suspect was involved in the confrontation. The FBI provided assistance to local authorities during the incident. Law enforcement’s primary focus remained on ending the standoff in the safest manner possible while ensuring the well-being of the community.

As the situation drew to a close, authorities expressed their commitment to a swift resolution and highlighted the challenges and dangers faced by law enforcement officers when confronting armed standoffs. 


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